Trading crypto assets involves significant risk. The risk of loss when trading or holding
crypto assets can be significant. When trading crypto assets, the Client is exposed to the
risk of possible complete loss of funds and other civil rights transferred in exchange for
crypto assets, including as a result of volatility in the value of crypto assets, technical
failures (errors), illegal actions, including theft. Therefore, you should carefully consider
whether using the Spot/Futures Trading Services or Additional Services is suitable for you
given your financial situation. At the same time, we notify you that crypto assets are not
backed by the state and that crypto assets are not a means of payment or acceptance of
payment in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. There is no guarantee that our
crypto asset trading market will be orderly and stable. You should exercise caution when
trading crypto assets (as well as any other assets). Prices can and do fluctuate at any
time for any reason. Such price fluctuations may cause you to increase or decrease the
value of your assets at any time. Any crypto asset or trading position may be subject to
large fluctuations in value and may even become worthless.
The User is responsible for any losses incurred through their fault or error, including but
not limited to: failure to follow the order of execution of transactions, failure to execute
trades in a timely manner, forgotten or leaked passwords, passwords hacked and/or the
User's computer is seized or hacked by others.
In the event of a potential loophole in the trading rules that unjustly enriches the User,
we will contact the User to recover the profits. The User must effectively cooperate,
otherwise we will take action, including but not limited to, limiting account transactions,
freezing funds in the account, pursuing the User in court and other recourse measures.
In the event that the User does not cooperate, the User will also bear the recourse costs.
Additional services may have additional risk factors. Please note that:
- You may suffer the full loss of your initial margin and any additional crypto assets
deposited with us to maintain your position;
- If the market moves against your position or margin levels increase, you may be asked
to transfer additional crypto assets at short notice to maintain your position;
- If you fail to comply with a request to transfer additional crypto assets to your account
within the specified time limit, we may, at our sole discretion, liquidate any or all of your
positions at a loss;
- Whether you make a profit or a loss will depend on the price movements of the
relevant crypto asset;